This paper has been accepted for publication to ACM/IEEE International Conference on Human-Robot Interaction 2025. Project by the AirLab, Cornell Tech (Prof. Angelique Taylor)
(Awaiting for publication to disclose project information)
While teleoperated robots have been successfully used in high-stakes domains such as firefighting and space exploration, autonomous robots that aid highstakes teamwork remain underexplored. To address this gap, we conducted a rapid prototyping process to develop a series of seemingly autonomous robot designed to assist clinical teams in the Emergency Room. We transformed a standard crash cart—which stores medical equipment and emergency supplies into a medical robotic crash cart (MCCR). The MCCR was evaluated through field deployments to assess its impact on team workload and usability, identified taxonomies of failure, and refined the MCCR in collaboration with healthcare professionals. Our work advances the understanding of robot design for high-stakes, time-sensitive settings, providing insights into useful MCCR capabilities and considerations for effective human-robot collaboration. By publicly disseminating our MCCR tutorial, we hope to encourage HRI researchers to explore the design of robots for high-stakes teamwork.